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ERDF regional guidance: North East



The ERDF is a funding stream which is allocated to regions by the European Union to stimulate regional economies.

The North East of England is one of 9 regions to qualify for Competitiveness and Employment funding.

Under the 2007 to 2013 programme, the region can receive €375.7 million of ERDF investment.


The North East operational programme document (see ‘Programme documents’ below) outlines the investment priorities for the region. It focuses on 2 main priorities:

Priority 1: enhancing and exploiting innovation

By 2015 the operational programme aims to enhance the exploitation of science, technology and other innovation leading to the creation of new small and medium enterprises, the creation or safeguarding of gross jobs, a percentage of which will be in disadvantaged areas and the generation of net Gross Value Added. There will be a strong emphasis on energy and environmental technology.

Priority 2: business growth and enterprise

By 2015 the operational programme aims to contribute to increased business density and higher levels of productivity and competitiveness with the business base leading to the creation of new small and medium-sized enterprises, the creation and safeguarding of gross jobs, improved environmental management and energy efficiency in assisted small and medium-sized enterprises and the generation of net Gross Value Added.

Programme documents

This section provides key documents which detail the programme and how it is managed. They also provide important information that will help potential applicants work out whether projects are eligible for ERDF support. They will also be of interest to people wishing to find out more about the programme for research purposes.

Potential applicants are also advised to:

Operational programme

Below is the original North East England Regional Competitiveness and Employment ERDF operational programme 2007 to 2013 document. It was prepared for Government Office for the North East and One North East with input from a project board comprising representatives from a broad range of sectors. The operational programme sets out the rationale for the programme, the strategic approach and management arrangements.

ERDF North East operational programme 2007 to 2013 (original)

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In July 2011 the North East England ERDF Competitiveness Programme’s local management committee agreed to submit a modification to the North East ERDF operational programme to the European Commission. The modification:

  • reflects changes in the socio-economic conditions in the North East and the impact of changes in government policy
  • takes account of the findings of the programme’s mid-term evaluation
  • proposed a reduction in some non financial targets and increases in others to reflect changing conditions
  • broadened the scope of activity to give greater emphasis to capital investment

The European Commission approved the modified operational orogramme on the 15 of February 2012. The modified operational porogramme is accompanied by a revised Strategic Environmental Assessment.

ERDF North East operational programme 2007 to 2013 (revised)

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Update of the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the North East ERDF 2007 to 2013 programme

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ERDF 2007 to 2013 operational programme investment framework

The North East England ERDF operational programme investment framework sets out the arrangements and processes which will be used to translate the ERDF vision, objectives and strategic priorities set out in the 2007 to 2013 operational programme into practical, deliverable programmes of activity and projects during the period October 2011 to December 2013. It sets out the key high level and operating principles which underpin the programme’s approach to commissioning project activity and managing project applications.

ERDF 2007 to 2013 operational programme investment framework: Dec 2011 to Dec 2013

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Schedule of ERDF functions (Article 12)

This schedule allocates functions relating to the management and implementation of the operational programme.

Mid-term evaluation

The ERDF programme has been subject to an independent mid-term evaluation undertaken by Regeneris Consulting.

Findings include:

  • pre-2010 programme broadly on track to deliver against targets
  • the programme is well designed, well managed and responsive

North East ERDF operational programme 2007 to 2013: mid-term evaluation

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De-commitment strategy

The ERDF de-commitment strategy sets out the agreed approach to de-commitment of ERDF grant on the basis of unsatisfactory performance and irregularities.

ERDF de-commitment strategy

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Re-commitment strategy

The policy establishes the principles and approach within which funds which become available in line with the de-commitment strategy will be reinvested.

ERDF re-commitment strategy (March 2011)

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Annual implementation report

Annual implementation reports set out the major achievements within the programme, provide details on financial and non-financial performance and highlight key issues and challenges that the North East partnership has dealt with.

Annual implementation report: 2011

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ERDF projects

The documents below show a list of beneficiaries and a summary of projects supported by the programme.

List of beneficiaries (September 2012)

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Summary of projects: November 2007 to July 2012

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Communications strategy and plan

ERDF North East communications strategy

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ERDF North East communications plan

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Local ERDF guidance

From 1 April 2012, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) adopted a standardised approach to the management and delivery of the ERDF programmes across England. This includes the introduction of a new suite of documentation - including forms and guidance - which projects approved to receive funding after 1 April 2012 will need to use and follow.

For projects required to use the new documentation see the guide on ERDF: national guidance.

All forms and guidance in existence before 1 April 2012 that ERDF-supported projects have used or are currently using are available from your local programme delivery team.

Please ensure that you are using the correct forms and guidance for your project. If you have any questions, please contact the North East Programme Delivery Team on 0303 444 6475 or NE.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.

Details of the outputs that projects supported by the North East ERDF programme are required to deliver are set out in the document below.

Outputs guidance

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Local management committee

The North East England local management committee engages key North East partners in overseeing the strategic delivery of the programme. It performs tasks and responsibilities laid down by the European Commission to satisfy itself of the quality and effectiveness of the programme’s implementation.

The local management committee is responsible for the programme’s strategic direction and formal monitoring, ensuring that targets are met and redirecting work as and when required. The committee is not an executive body and therefore does not award grants.

Membership of the committee is governed by EU Commission regulations and is made up by representation from sectors across the North East. Please see below for a list of members.

Before 1 July 2011, governance of the programme was through the programme monitoring committee. Minutes from programme monitoring committee meetings together with the latest minutes from local management committee meetings are available to download once they are formally agreed and are accessible below.

The programme executive group is a sub-group of the local management committee which supports the local ERDF team in the delivery and management of the programme. Terms of reference are available below.

ERDF North East: executive group terms of reference

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ERDF North East: local management committee membership list

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ERDF North East: local management committee terms of reference

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Past committee meeting documents

Minutes from 2012

ERDF North East: local management committee minutes 22 June 2012

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ERDF North East: local management committee minutes 24 February 2012

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Minutes from 2011

ERDF North East: local management committee minutes 14 October 2011

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 22 June 2011

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 14 April 2011

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 10 February 2011

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Minutes from 2010

ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 12 November 2010

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 17 June 2010

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 23 February 2010

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Minutes from 2009

ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 22 October 2009

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 18 June 2009

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 19 February 2009

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Minutes from 2008

ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 22 October 2008

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes 19 June 2008

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ERDF North East: programme monitoring committee minutes15 February 2008

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Latest news

ERDF annual stakeholder event 2012

The North East ERDF annual stakeholder event 2012 was successfully held on 17 October at Durham County Hall. A 50-strong audience heard Lesley Calder, Head of Programme Delivery Team, talk about the success and achievements of the programme to date including helping nearly 90,000 new and existing small and medium enterprises to develop and grow their business and creating over 7,000 new jobs, contributing to local growth across the North East.

Attendees heard a presentation by Mark Elliott, the Chief Executive Officer of DigitalCity, who talked about growing his project in Middlesbrough with the help of ERDF to create a vibrant, successful and self-sustaining supercluster in the ICT sector which has to date created 474 jobs with a long-term aim of creating 3,000 by 2022. Mark spoke about DigitalCity’s potential to be a world leader in its field, using a radical approach to grow an initial concept developed 9 years ago into a super-cluster creating jobs, businesses and wealth in the North East.

Stakeholders heard how the concept has grown through a successful partnership with a range of local partners and is providing support to digital entrepreneurs at all stages of their enterprise journey. DigitalCity Innovation harnesses the enterprise potential of Teesside University students to create their own businesses and also uses their expertise to support local growth through knowledge transfer projects, placements and fellowships with local businesses. New businesses are supported by DigitalCity Business based at the flagship development Boho One, part of the exciting Boho Zone, the digital and creative hub dedicated to offering world-class support to businesses across the North East, helping create 148 businesses so far.

The second half of the annual stakeholder event was focussed on ERDF post-2014 with Iain Derrick, European Strategy and ERDF Secretariat Manager providing an introduction and summary followed by Kevin Richardson from the Department for Business, Innovation and Strategy facilitating table discussions on what stakeholders want to see in the next round of ERDF programmes in 2014 to 2020.

Partners discussed a broad range of issues and identified the following as key considerations in the development of the next round of structural funds programmes in the North East:

  • maintaining strong local control over decision making
  • programme design and funding allocations should reflect local priorities in a ‘bottom up’ approach to supporting local growth
  • clarity required on programme geographies as soon as possible
  • programme geographies should take account of local enterprise partnership areas as functional economic areas
  • allocations ring fenced for local areas
  • evidence of market failure, research data and evaluation of current investments is vital to underpin evidenced based policy decisions.
  • need to build on the success of current investments eg ‘Innovation Connectors’
  • integration of ERDF and European Social Fund would improve local control and facilitate coordinated local actions.
  • maintain locally managed business growth funds such as JEREMIE

ERDF practitioner network

Across North East England there is a network of people supporting the development and delivery of ERDF projects. The local ERDF team supports an ERDF practitioner network to create a supportive environment for all ERDF practitioners, develop a strong, well informed ERDF delivery network, and develop a consistent and sound understanding of ERDF requirements. The team also provides ERDF practitioners with access to:

  • a programme of training and information events related to ERDF
  • bulletins and latest news on ERDF technical guidance

If you are involved in any of the following areas, then this network can provide you with support:

  • project development
  • management of ERDF projects
  • compilation and submission of claims
  • management of ERDF finance

If you would like to join the ERDF practitioner network please email your details to: NE.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk with the message title ‘Practitioner Network registration’.

A number of practitioner network bulletins have been produced. To obtain these please contact the programme team.


The local ERDF team produces a regular e-bulletin to keep stakeholders up to date with key decisions, major funding approvals and details of programme performance. To register for the bulletin please email your details to NE.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk with the message title ‘e-bulletin registration’ or see below to access previous bulletins.

Latest e-bulletin: November 2012

This contains:

  • ERDF programme performance update
  • outcome of calls for projects
  • ERDF Annual Stakeholder Event 2012
  • ERDF claims
  • ecoConnect
  • keeping in contact

ERDF stakeholder bulletin (November 2012)

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News releases

All the latest news releases for the North East ERDF programme will be made available here.

News release: Novus Seaham is coming

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For more information contact the North East Programme Delivery Team on 0303 444 6475 or NE.ERDFenquiries@communities.gsi.gov.uk.

Newcastle upon Tyne

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